Friday, July 15, 2005

Two weeks, 235 miles and two titles

"Tuesday morning, the Seattle physical therapist completed the Badwater Ultramarathon, a hellish 135-mile race from the bowels of Death Valley to the slopes of Mt. Whitney, with a time of 24 hours, 36 minutes, 8 seconds. He broke the record set in 2000 by Russian runner Anatoli Kruglikov's by nearly an hour.

It takes most runners nearly three days to complete the event."

.....Dan Moores, owner of Auburn Running Company, said Jurek's vegan diet, in which he eats only organic food without any animal products, may have something do with his incredible endurance, but his genetics are likely adding to success.

Nic Says: Fantastic effort, Jurek, and certainly blows apart the myth of the necessity for animal content in ones diet! Organic Vegan too I note.... mmmm I wonder... ?

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